Whakatāne Harbour Cameras
If you intend going over the bar and are in doubt about sea conditions after viewing the BarCam image, check for yourself by visiting the Whakatāne Bar. The BarCam image shown below is the property of Whakatāne Volunteer Coastguard Association Incorporated and shall not be used for commercial or business purposes by any entity without the written permission of Whakatāne Volunteer Coastguard Association Incorporated.
Fees for Non-Members – As of 1 November 2024 Coastguard NZ has increased fees for rescuing non-members to $375 per hour. Join Whakatāne Coastguard for $85 per year to cover the cost of your rescue.
Whakatāne Marine Forecast
Provided by Metservice
Whakatāne Weather Forecast
Provided by Metservice
Whakatāne Tide Forecast
Provided by Metservice
Recent Emergency Callouts
This is a brief summary of calls to Coastguard Whakatāne for assistance.
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