Medical problem – 15/07/2024 – 1300 to 1430 (42)

A call was received from a fishing boat off Ohope with a sick crew member needing medical attention. Whakatane Rescue II was launched, the sick crew member transferred and Whakatane Rescue returned to a waiting ambulance at the boat ramp.

Engine problem – 24/06/2024 – 1310 to 1405 (41)

A boat reported outside the Whakatane Bar with an engine problem. 2 bolts holding the engine onto the boat had sheared off. Whakatane Rescue II was launched and towed the vessel across the bar safely into the harbour.

Battery problem – Sunday – 2/06/24 – 1455 to 1600 (39)

A boat with 2 POB reported SE of Whale Is with a flat battery and requested assistance. Conditions were good with a NW wind of 8kts and no significant swell.Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the vessel. provided a jump start and followed the boat back to Whakatane.

Engine problem – Saturday – 18/05/24 – 1350 to 1545 (38)

A boat with 3 POB reported off the Thornton Bar with an overheating engine and requested assistance. Conditions were good with a SSE wind of 5 kts and a low Northerly swell. Whakatane Rescue II was launched and towed the vessel back to Whakatane.

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Channels Monitored

  • Whakatāne Ch 18, 60, 16
  • Opotiki Ch 18
  • Nowcasting Ch 79


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