Engine problem – 16/03/2025 1020 to 1130 (18)

A boat with 3 POB reported at the Raurimus, unable to start the engine. Weather conditions were good with a slight sea. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked and located the vessel. The engine was started, and the skipper was happy to continue fishing at the Raus. Whakatane Rescue II returned to Whakatane.

Fuel problem – 15/03/2025 1433 to 1528 (17)

A boat reported off Coastlands with a fuel problem and requested assistance. Conditions were good, with a slight to moderate sea and a NW wind of 19kts. Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the vessel and towed it back to Whakatane.

Mechanical problem – 13/03/2025 1017 to 1104 (16)

A boat with 1 POB reported North of Kohi Pt with a mechanical problem and requested assistance. An All-Stations call was made resulting in a boat offering to help. The stricken vessel was towed back across the bar into the harbour. A big thank you to the Good Samaritan.

Mechanical problem – 13/03/2025 1600 to 1800 (15)

A boat with 3 POB at the 10-mile Reef North of Whakatane reported a mechanical problem and requested assistance. Conditions were good with a NW wind at 12kts and a slight to moderate sea. Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the vessel and towed it back to Whakatane.

Mechanical problem – 8/03/2025 1128 to 1230 (14)

A boat with 3 POB reported outside the Whakatane Bar with a mechanical problem and requested a tow. Conditions were good with a calm sea. Whakatane Rescue II was launched and towed the vessel across the bar safely to the boat ramp.

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Channels Monitored

  • Whakatāne Ch 18, 60, 16
  • Opotiki Ch 18
  • Nowcasting Ch 79


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