Engine problem – Sunday – 28/04/24 – 1400 to 1525 (33)

A boat with 2 POB reported off Ohope with an engine problem and requested assistance. Conditions were good with a low swell and a wind from the NE at 8 kts.Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the vessel and towed it back to Whakatane.

Engine problem – Tuesday – 23/04/24 – 1755 to 1900 (30)

A boat with 4 POB off the Whakatane Bar reported an engine problem and requested a tow across the bar. Conditions were good with a WNW wind of 10kts, a low swell and an incoming tide. Whakatane Rescue II was launched and towed the vessel safely across the Bar.

Battery problem – Monday – 1/04/24 – 1420 to 1745 (29)

A boat 10nm North of White Is with 2 pob reported a battery problem and requested a jump start.Weather conditions were good with a light wind and a low swell. Whakatane Rescue II was launched and located the boat. The jump start was successful and the boat returned to...