Mechanical problem – 3/12/2024 0733 to 0935 (64)

A boat with 4 POB reported 3nm East of Whale Is with a broken fan belt and requested a tow back to Whakatane. Conditions were good with a gentle breeze and a slight sea. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked, located the vessel and towed it safely back to Whakatane.

Engine problem – 2/12/2024 – 1210 to 1345 (63)

A boat with 1 POB reported off Ohope with an engine problem and requested assistance. Conditions were good with with a light breeze and a slight NW swell. Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the vessel and towed it back to Whakatane.

Flat battery – 26/11/2024 – 1022 to 1040 (62)

A boat with 3 POB reported at the Raurimus with a flat battery and requested assistance. An all stations call was made and another vessel offered to help. The stricken vessel then advised that he had managed to get the engine started and was returning to Whakatane....

Flat battery – 8/11/2024 – 0830 to 1100 (61)

A boat reported off Ohope with a flat battery and requested assistance. Conditions were good with no significant swell and a North West wind of 5kts. Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the boat and towed it back to Whakatane.

Flat battery – 6/11/2024 – 1250 to 1425 (60)

A boat, with 4 POB, called at the Mussel Farm  with a flat battery and requested assistance..Conditions were good with a North East wind of 10 kts and no significant swell. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked,located the vessel and provided a battery. The engine was...