A boat reported outside the Whakatane Bar with an engine problem and requested a tow across the bar. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked and towed the boat back safely into the harbour.
An inbound vessel broached while attempting to cross the Whakatane Bar,resulting in persons falling overboard. Other boats and Whakatane Rescue II responded and brought the people safely back into the Whakatane harbour for medical assessment and treatment. A big thank...
A boat reported off Coastlands with a split water hose and requested assistance. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked, located the vessel and towed it safely back to Whakatane.
A boat reported off Kohi Pt with an overheating engine and requested a tow back to Whakatane. Whakatane Rescue II responded and towed the boat back safely to Whakatane.
A vessel off Walkers Beach reported a flat battery and requested a jump start. Whakatane Rescue II responded. The engine was successfully started and the boat continued to Thornton.
A boat reported 800m North of the Ohiwa Bar with a fuel problem and requested assistance. Whakatane Rescue was tasked, took some fuel to the boat and escorted it back to Whakatane.