A boat reported SE of Whale Is with a steering problem and requested assistance. The call was heard by another vessel who provided a GPS position for the stricken vessel. Whakatane Rescue II was launched, located the boat and towed it safely back to Whakatane. A big...
A boat reported just off the Whakatane Bar with an engine problem and requested assistance. The call was heard by another boat who offered to help. However, due the the bar conditions Whakatane Rescue II was tasked to assist and towed the stricken vessel safely over...
A boat reported off the Ohiwa Bar with a flat battery and requested assistance. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked,located the vessel, provided a jump start and escorted it safely back across the Whakatane Bar.
A boat reported off the Thornton Bar with an engine problem and requested assistance. Whakatane Rescue Ii responded and towed the boat safely back to Whakatane.
A vessel NE of Whale Is reported a flat battery. Whakatane Rescue II responded and after failing to start the engine, the boat was towed back safely to Whakatane.
A boat reported 3nm NE of Kohi Pt with a flat battery. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked to assist, provided by a jump start and followed the vessel back to Whakatane.