A boat reported 7.5 nm East of Kohi Pt with an engine problem and requested a tow back to Whakatane. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked, located the vessel and towed it safely back to Whakatane.
A boat reported another boat at White Is had fuel problems and was requesting assistance. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked, located the stricken vessel and towed it safely back to Whakatane. A big thank you to the good samaritan for relaying the information.
A boat reported off the Whakatane Bar with an engine problem and requested assistance. Whakatane Rescue II was tasked and towed the vessel back across the bar.
A dingy reported 2 nm NW of Whakatane with an engine problem and requested assistance. The call was heard by the crew of the Whakatane Harbour Masters boat who responded and brought the vessel back to Whakatane. A big thank you for the good samaritan action of the...
A boat approaching the Whakatane Bar reported a fuel problem and requested assistance. The vessel had put its anchor down but was drifting close to the rocks. An All Stations call resulted in a vessel responding. The stricken boat was towed safely back across the...
A vessel SSW of White Island reported furl pump problems and requested assistance.Whakatane Rescue II was tasked and towed the boat safely back to Whakatane.