This is a comprehensive course for boaties with some existing knowledge and experience. It applies to a range of vessels including yachts, launches and power boats. It’s recommended that you complete the Day Skipper course before undertaking this one.
What You’ll Learn About on the Boastmasters Course
The content is similar to the Day Skipper course, but deals more extensively with:
- coastal lighthouses
- sectored navigation lights
- course plotting around New Zealand
- lights shown by a wide range of vessels
- fog signals
- importance and limitations of GPS navigation
Find a full syllabus outline and register for this course by going direct to Coastguard Boating Education at Coastguard Boating Education website.
As we run classes when we have enough interest, if you’d like to study this course with us here in Whakatāne please fill in the enquiry form below, email or call the office on 07 308 7110 to be added to our course register.
Register your interest

Day Skipper
This is an introductory course for all members of the family or crew. It applies to a wide range of vessels including yachts, launches, powerboats, PWCs, sea kayaks and waka.

Marine VHF Operator Certificate
This six hour Operator Certificate course provides you with the minimum legal requirement for all users of Marine VHF Radios (except in the event of an emergency).
Sign up Online
Sign up for your membership online
Membership Form
Download our membership form
Volunteer at Coastguard Whakatāne
Help us keep our boaties safe and Volunteer at Coastguard Whakatāne.
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Whakatāne Marine Forecast
Provided by Metservice
Whakatāne Weather Forecast
Provided by Metservice
Whakatāne Tide Forecast
Provided by Metservice
Recent Emergency Callouts
This is a brief summary of calls to Coastguard Whakatāne for assistance.
Volunteer Crew Members
If you are interested in helping out as a volunteer crew member on the CRV, or as a Radio Operator please register your expression of interest.