At 0902hrs a boat with 1 POB reported at Rungapapa Knoll (24nm N of Whakatane) with an engine problem and requested a tow back to Whakatane.Sea conditions were good with a low swell and a N wind of 4kts.Whakatane Rescue was tasked to assist.The boat was located at...
At 1338hr a boat with 2 POB reported 500m off the Whakatane bar with an engine problem and requested a tow back to Whakatane harbour.Sea conditions were good with an outgoing tide no significant swell and a N wind of 9-12kts.An all stations call was made and the boat...
At 1447 hrs a boat with 2 POB reported at White Island unable to start the engine and requesting assistance. After an unsuccessful all stations call, Â Whakatane Rescue was tasked to assist. Â Sea conditions were good with an incoming tide and a NNW wind of 10-13 kts....
At 1001hrs a member of the public reported receiving a phone call from a boat with 2 POBÂ on the South side of Whale Island with an engine problem and requesting assistance.Sea conditions were good with an incoming tide,a NE wind 7-9 kts and a .5m swell.An All Stations...
At 2125hrs a 40 ft boat with 5 POB reported north of Whakatane with an unwell crew member and requested assistance to cross the Whakatane Bar.Sea conditions were good with an incoming tide and an ESE wind of 4-6 kts.Whakatane Rescue was tasked to assist and located...