A 5m yellow boat reported via cell phone that it was at the Raurimu Islands and needed assistance because of a a flat battery. Sea conditions were good with 9-12kt wind from NNW and calm seas. An all stations call was made and a good samaritan commercial boat offered...
At 1049hr a 6m hard top boat with 4 POB reported that it had engine problems off Hawai/Tureri Point. The boat was in 21m of water and could only make way at 1kt. Weather conditions were good with a slight sea and 8kt wind from the west. An all staions call was made....
A diver was reported overdue after diving in the Raurimu Island area. The support boat became conerned when the diver stayed underwater after the agreed time to resurface. Whakatane Coastguard notified the Police and an emergency rescue operation was declared....